The National Insurance Number : important tool to work in the UK

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IMPORTANT: I have something really important about finding a job in the United Kingdom (concerning my last article). Indeed to be employed and to work within the UK you must have an National Insurance Number.

--> Everyone who works in any capacity in the UK will need to register for an NI number.


If you intend to work in the UK, you need to apply for an NI number as soon as possible.

Indeed if you don't have a NI number, you will be required to contribute more than normal in NI payments.


It is a number made up of two letters, six digits and an optional letter.


How could we get it??


There are two different ways to get it:

  •  Apply by youself and make an appointment for an interview at Job Centre Plus

It is the way that I have choosen. Indeed during my first month in Edinburgh I was really willing to find a job. Fortunately the University Carreer Office gave us the opportunity to meet managers of the local Job Centre Plus. That's why it was quite easy to get our NI Number. 

We need to bring:

                            - a proof of our identity

                            - an account of our past years of work and travel

                            - a proof of how and when we arrived in the UK

                            - a proof of your adress


  • Apply online, but the service usually is very busy and it might take more time. 

For those born in the UK, they are automatically issued an NI number at birth and a plastic card with their NI number and name dispatched to them just before their 16th birthday.



As soon as you receive your National Insurance Number you also receive your plastic card :




Even if I didn't find a "real" job during these six months in the United Kingdom I am really glad for having made the interview to receive my NI number. I am sure it will be useful one day !

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great tips for me, i should share with my friends